
12 May 2014

ROM COM RULES - Imagine Me & You

Films have formulas and rules, but how well do films follow those formulas?  More than just being romantic and having comedy, a Rom Com follows a strict formula and a set of rules.  

"Sure is for people who don't love enough." ~ Rachel.
Imagine Me & You is a Rom Com about a woman who falls in love with someone else on her wedding day.  Can a Lesbian Romance follow the Rom Com rules?

The following analysis may contain spoilers for

Imagine Me & You (2005)

On the way down the aisle at her wedding Rachel sees the Luce who did the flowers for the event for the first time and has a moment that may change both of their lives forever.

RULE #1 - The Characters

A:  The Couple - Luce & Rachel.
i.  Balance - The film is balanced between the two.  Herk does get a couple of small moments.
iv.  Occupations/free time involving Romance or the Media - Luce is a florist, and does flowers for weddings.

B:  The Best Friend/Confidant - Edie, Luce's workmate, and, more importantly, Ella, Luce's mother.  Beth and Zina, Rachel's workmates (briefly) and Rachel's parents, especially her father, Ned.  Luce's husband's friend Coop also tries to become one for Luce.
  • Edie:  Gay workmate.  Always pulls.  (Briefly and disappears from the film)
  • Ella:  Family.  Seemingly asexual for most of the film but talks frankly about sex.
  • Beth & Zina:  Workmate/Bridemaids, Zina talks about pulling, they discuss lesbian phases or wanting to try lesbianism.
  • Ned:  Family.  If Rachel's mother is to be believed not very sexual.
  • Cooper:  Sleazy.

C:  The Third Person - Rachel married Heck at the beginning of the film.  As a couple they make great friends.

RULE #2 - There Won't Be T&A

No nudity, Rachel as a few scenes in nightwear.  Equal or less nudity than a normal Rom Com.  No sex, just kissing.

RULE #3 - The Meet-Cute

They see each other as Rachel walks down the aisle.  Which is in it's own way a meet-cute.
At the reception Luce introduces herself and helps Rachel get her wedding ring out of the punch.

RULE #4 - Circumstances

They see each other as Rachel walks down the aisle.

RULE #5 - Realisation of Love

They see each other as Rachel walks down the aisle.

RULE #6 - The Break-Up

They are almost together for almost a minute.
A:  Reason - Because Rachel is married and feels bad about hurting her husband.
E:  Turmoil - Both do, Luce attacking a man breaking up with his girlfriend, Rachel confessing to Heck (but he is pretending to be unconscious).

RULE #7 - Separated Forever

Luce calls H and tells her that she's going on a long holiday, leaves her mother (not Edie who has disappeared) to run the florist and gets in a taxi.

RULE #8 - Redemption

A:  Giving Up Something Dear - Rachel doesn't give up Heck, but rather he gives her up.
B:  Unusual Method of Transport - Not really transport but they do climb on top of cars to see each other.
C:  Stunt - If you call climbing on top of cars a stunt.
D:  Romantic Gesture - Rachel uses the yelling she learnt for Luce to get their attentions.  Rachel yelling from onto of a car is a romantic gesture.

RULE #9 - Happily Ever After

They run to each other's arms and kiss.  "Happy Together" plays  they end up together on a park bench.  Everyone else seems to get a happy ending, too.

RULE #10 - Sequels

No sequels, but Piper Perabo had previously been in the romantic comedy Coyote Ugly.


  • Rules that are followed in this film:  1Ai; 1Aiv; 1B; 1C; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6A; 6E; 7; 8D; 9; 10.
  • Rules that are partially followed in this film:  8A; 8B; 8C.
  • Rules that are not followed in this film:  1Aii; 1Aiii; 6B; 6C; 6D.
~ DUG.
This film was also tested under the Lesbian Romance rules.
Remember do the survey to determine the fourth genre to be tested.

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